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Our company has successfully passed the evaluation of the credit house Coface. Click on the icon to see the certificate issued by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
INTERSTEEL is a trading house with tradition and experience, well known in the field of ferrous metallurgy, specializing in steel seamless and welded tubes together with accessories – steel arches, reductions, flanges, to meet the needs of both the plumbing and power industry, and the oil industry, and especially in the field of energy and gas flow.
Teamwork, which from the very first days of its founding on March 23, 1992 founded by the founders and owners of the company Intersteel doo – the Koljaja family and its associates, as a combination of energy, knowledge, experience and specialization, enabled the establishment of a large number of business connections, both in the domestic market and abroad.
Intersteel delivers goods quickly and efficiently, both from point-of-delivery and larger quantities for purpose-specific specifications in the required quality and under the most favorable market conditions.
As a qualified supplier, we participate in the realization of many projects on the basis of Public Calls prescribed by the Public Procurement Law since 2000: pipes for pipe systems of boilers of TPP Kostolac and PUC of Belgrade Power Plant, special pipes for overhaul of TPP Nikola Tesla Obrenovac and gas pipeline for NIS ad, pipes for the overhaul of thermal power plants and heating plants.